Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tip of the Iceberg

     Many of you now know that Crossfit-Collective is going through a radical season of growth. Its an exciting time for the staff as we look forward to moving into our new space as well as providing new services. One of those services is, of course, the Crossfit Endurance program.

     Some of you may be new to Crossfit, to endurance sports, or just hesitant to believe that Crossfit is as effective as it claims to be. Maybe some of you are already on board and just needed a place to go train. Now you have one!! I'm sure many of you have questions, questions like "It's taken me my whole life to develop this ballerina's physique, and now you want me to lift heavy things and eat red meat?" Yup! "Will sculpted shoulders and bat wing lats make me less aero?" It's a concern yes, but you will still be faster. "Say I do this Crossfit thing, will my girlfriend come back?" Guaranteed! She only left because you made more time for training than you did for her. You will no longer have that problem.

     If you were hoping for some real answers to your training questions, you will most certainly get them! Along with the daily workouts, you can expect to find posts containing run on sentences and poor punctuation.  I will most certainly try to use large "sciency" words to make up for it, and attempt to keep you informed about the latest and greatest in endurance training literature. I hope this blog can be an important resource to all endurance athletes, from rookies to road hardened veterans.

Friday, December 2, 2011

exciting times ahead

a quick look at the new Crossfit-Collective space. 7000 square feet, or roughly seven times larger than our current space. pretty rad right???